Say for example a parishioner volunteered to take care of the parish bulletin. Then this parishioner started mimeographing copies and delivered copies some weeks but not others. When copies were provided they were weeks or months behind in content. Would a parish find this acceptable? Of course ...
BELLEis defined as a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals. The wordBELLEDhas no known definition. BELONGis defined as be in the right place or situation. It is also defined as be a part or adjunct. It is also defined as be a member, adheren...
WIDOWis defined as a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried. It is also defined as cause to be without a spouse. WIDOWHOODis defined as the state of being a widow who has not remarried. It is also defined as the time of a woman’s life when she...