DMUMC Bulletin January 16, 2000Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
DMUMC Bulletin January 24, 1999Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
3 Bulletin includes the articles below: 1) The Value of Planning Prompts by Katherine Milkman, John Beshears, James Choi, David Laibson, and Brigitte Madrian 2) The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Infant Health by Hilary ...
The vast majority of VONS communiqués were published in the samizdat bulletin Informace o Chartě 77 (Information on Charter 77). The Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Persecuted was also active after November 1989, when it focused on amending the criminal code, calming the stormy ...
bulletin boards, and the dawn of the World Wide Web—and all these stages had commensurate enhancements in printer technology, analog-modems to cable, cabling, through its various incarnations of ports and plugs, to wireless, Faxes, scanners, laser-printers, mice, keyboards, and monitors, in-...
Say for example a parishioner volunteered to take care of the parish bulletin. Then this parishioner started mimeographing copies and delivered copies some weeks but not others. When copies were provided they were weeks or months behind in content. Would a parish find this acceptable? Of course ...
Yesterday, the Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists advanced the Doomsday Clock forward from seven to five minutes to midnight. The clock was set up in 1947 as a graphic picture of how close humanity is to wiping itself out. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, named for its newsletter, was...
in January 14, 1951 Bulletin January 14, 1951Bulletin January 14, 1951Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church
Bulletin January 26, 1964Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church
Bulletin January 16, 1955Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church