1933 Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany On January 30, 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or führer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany. The year 1932 had seen Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in...
The first rhyme begins on January 30, 1933, when German PresidentPaul von Hindenburgreluctantly appointed Nazi leader Adolf Hitler as Chancellor. Hindenburg did not like Hitler very much. Hindenberg was an aristocratic Junker of the old Prussian mode and a monarchist and he despised Hitler as a ...
January 30, 1933 Enter, Hitler Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany by President von Hindenburg. March 22, 1933 The First Death Camp The first Nazi concentration camp is established in Dachau, Bavaria, which holds 188,000 prisoners from its inception until its end, of which 28,000...
Kurt von Schleicher (1882–1934): Minister of the Reichswehr (June 1932), he became Chancellor after the resignation of von Papen (December 1932) but had to give way to Hitler in January 1933. He was assassinated by the Nazis the following year. It seems that Foucault here mixes up Rö...
Short of people willing to serve him, Sherburne appointed the twenty-three year old Pitt as his Chancellor of the Exchequer. Fox interpreted Pitt's acceptance of this post as a betrayal and after this the two men became bitter enemies.
On January 30, 1933, President Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany. It wasn’t because of any election, but rather by a constitutionally questionable deal dreamed up by a small group of conservative German politicians who had given up on parliamentary rule. Little did they know...