Noun 1. January 1 - (Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Church) feast day celebrating the circumcision of Jesus; celebrated on January 1st Circumcision, Feast of the Circumcision Church of Rome, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Church, Western Church, Roman Catholic - the Christian Church based in ...
legal holidayNew Year's DayNew Year'sthe first day...JanuaryJanholy day of o...Roman CatholicWestern ChurchRoman ChurchSolemnity of...(Roman Cathol...fete dayfeast dayChurch of Eng...Anglican Comm...Anglican ChurchFeast of the...Circumcision(Roman Cathol...January 1 noun Synonyms for ...
Feast Day:St. Fulgentius, bishop and confessor; St. Odilo or Olou, sixth abbot of Cluni; St. Almachus, martyr; St. Eugendus, abbot; St. Faine or Fanchea, virgin, of Ireland; St. Mochua or Moncain, alias Claunas, abbot in Ireland; and St. Medina, alias Cronan, of Balla, abb...
June stared at the ceiling. “OK, just let me finish this,” she said as she started daydreaming while slicing the cabbage. She was enjoying a flashback to that fateful day, only a few months back when she had stumbled across Derek and a different male lover in the flat. It was rent...
Julius Caesar changes the calendar from pre-Julian to Julian by adding a day every four years as a way to balance out the lunar and solar calendars. The Middle Ages A New Christmas Day The heads of the Church temporarily replace January 1 with Christmas Day or the Feast of the Annunciation...
Fox is a delightfully funny feast for the eyes with multi-generational appeal -- and it shows Wes Anderson has a knack for animation. Synopsis: After 12 years of bucolic bliss, Mr. Fox (George Clooney) breaks a promise to his wife (Meryl Streep) and raids... [More] Starring: ...
Look up "January" at Go toPreferencespage and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. WORD OF THE DAY venture | pop GET THE DAILY EMAIL! Become a WordReference Supporter to view the site ad-free....
met someone who started a potluck tradition as an alternative to dining out, crafting a new theme for each gathering to inspire unique dishes and showcase everyone’s culinary talents. For those less confident in the kitchen, bringing drinks or snacks ensures everyone contributes to the feast. ...
National Handwriting Day Measure Your Feet Day– we only ask….”Why!?!” January 24 Beer Can Appreciation Day Compliment Day Global Belly Laugh Day Grab a Cup of Hot Chocolate and enjoy the many January Holidays January 25 National Seed Swap Day– The last Saturday in January. ...
Basil’s Day to June 14, when he is believed to have been ordained a bishop, retaining this new date until 1969. Saint Basil's Day FAQs Who celebrates Saint Basil's Day? The orthodox churches perform the Liturgy of St. Basil on his feast day. The root of this remembrance can ...