Jane Street的欧洲业务中心,坐落于伦敦历史悠久的金融区德文郡广场。附近有英格兰银行、证券交易所和圣保罗大教堂。 Jane Street近年来一直在对英国业务进行一些调整。2021年底开始成立了一些新的公司,比如Jane Street UK Partnership (JSUP),报道称人均工资69.6万英镑(≈90万美元)。 近期伦敦办公室聘用的员工包括:同样...
“同事非常聪明,能学到很多东西”,这是在Jane Street工作的内部员工对公司最多的一条评论。 图/Glassdoor 即使只是实习生,Jane Street也会花1个月的时间对新人进行全面的培训。对于留学生来说,是一个绝佳的工作起点。 目前,Jane Street在纽约、香港、新加坡均有实习和NG全职岗位开放,香港Office甚至专为中英文流利...
Jane Street, established in 2000 in New York, is a leading global financial securities market maker known for its quant-based, high-tech approach. With 2,000 employees across five offices globally, it trades a wide range of assets in over 45 countries from 200 locations. Renowned ...
华尔街买方巨头Jane Street 简街资本(Jane Street Capital,简称Jane Street)是一家总部位于美国纽约市的投资管理公司,拥有大约1,700名员工,由Tim Reynolds等三人联合创办于2000年,在纽约、伦敦、中国香港、新加坡、阿姆斯特丹设有办事处,拥有超过2000名员工,在45个国家200多个场所开展交易。 同时,作为一家大型做市商,Ja...
Jane Street has offices in some of the world’s most dynamic cities, including a presence in Amsterdam, Chicago, Hong Kong, London, New York and Singapore. Take a look inside our largest offices: New York London Hong Kong Singapore
英文:I live on Jane Street in New York. 中文:那家新开的餐厅就在简街附近。 英文:The newly opened restaurant is just around Jane Street. 英文同义表达: 如果'Jane Street'指的是街道,同义表达可以是'Jane St.',这是在书写地址时常用的缩写形式。 如果它指的是公司或机构名,...
11-19 Jane Street in New York Situated within the Greenwich Village Historic District, this newly completed residential building comprises two duplex townhouses, lateral apartments and a penthouse with its own roof garden. The six-storey, brick-clad building replaces a two-storey parking garage ...
New York London Hong Kong Singapore London The centre of our European business Our offices are thoughtfully designed with the people who work with them in mind and they are located in the centers of some of the world’s most exciting cities. Our London office is located at Devonshire Square...
据efinancialcareers调查显示,Jane Street相比往年扩增25%以上,仅在New York Office就招了120个实习生。此前还传出,Jane Street2023年给实习生开到了每月1.6万美元的高薪。Jane Street是谁?其官方网站显示,该公司设立于2000年,定位是“一家全球流动性提供商和交易公司,利用复杂的定量分析和对市场机制的深刻...
However, what really jumped out was the frankly silly numbers that Jane Street is now offering graduate trainees and interns. Here one for aquantitative research internshipin New York, which doesn’t even require any finance industry experience. ...