First of all, most of these apps have truly obnoxious ads between games. Seriously, the FTC needs to look into the shameless scams that have oozed into the casual gaming app industry because, damn. But I digress... After several attempts, I found a nice, basic free Solitaire app that le...
Precedence (i.e. the regulation of who goes first, or gets a more favorable position) was a part of everyday activities, and a not uncommon source of tension (as inPersuasion, when Mary Musgrove, abaronet'sdaughter, insists on taking precedence over her mother-in-law). The basic rule ...
Jane McGonigalis a game designer—but she isn’t exactly working on the next Mario. Rather, she brings an academic perspective to gaming and looks at how games can improve our lives and solve real problems. Her new bookSuperBetterdives into scientific research on how we manage stress and ch...
“Farrell launched into many nonsensical rants about cow pastures, mushrooms, surfing, living in Florida, and arguing with his brother about politics, among other undecipherable topics,” the reviewer wrote. “Chugging from a full bottle of wine throughout the performance, one almost got the...
Trump has hammered this point from the moment he descended into the race for president on his golden escalator and is likely to keep crowing about the wall/fence victory straight through 2020. We may seem to just be playing word games, but the important thing that gets lost when we dismiss...
trouble in a story, when I realize some plot point doesn’t make sense or a character I thought I liked actually kind of sucks. I stop writing for a few days and when I come back, the draft is stale and I can’t get back into it, and it gets abandoned in favor of my next ...
A metaphysic is developing – men fear the way the Great Mother Ge gets her tentacles into them, and so they substituted a “squid economy“, strangling the planet. In my previous post is a drawing of Adam and Eve: her eyes and indeed her whole face, are concealed by a rosebud: Adam...
That’s going to be interesting before seven in the dark, dropping packages on the traffic. Do you think someone trained on computer games, delivering by handset from a gaming chair is going to care whether an unspecified package gets anywhere near the front door, or not?
Jane Street is particularly dominant in fixed income ETFs , accounting for 41 per cent of all primary market activity according to its bond prospectus. The trading firm has used this as a bridgehead to break into corporate bond trading territory long dominated by banks. The prospectus says: We ...
sure, he gets to live for free (though we are unreliably informed that until recently 10 Downing Street looked like a “crack den”). And yes, his role does seem to come withan awful lot of other freebies. But Jane Street’s free canteen is supposed to...