简爱:JANE EYRE(英文原版) 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 加入书架开始阅读 人们普遍认为《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。讲述了一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在各种磨难中不断追求自由与尊严,坚持自我,最终获得幸福的故事。小说引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切...
书名: 简爱Jane Eyre(双语译林) 作者名: 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 本章字数: 6978字 更新时间: 2023-11-05 13:18:30 白天到来了。拂晓时分我起床,忙了一两个小时来整理我的房间,抽屉和衣橱里的东西,整理成便于我打算短期离开的时候所需要的样子。与此同时,我听到圣·约翰从他的房间里走出来。他在我门口停下,我...
那时候,死一般冷的雾气在东风的驱赶下飘过紫色的山峰,滚下草地与河滩,直到和山溪上冰冻的雾气混合在一起。那时,这条小溪是一股混浊不堪、势不可当的急流,它冲决了树林,在空中咆哮,那声音往往夹杂着暴雨和旋转的冻雨,听起来更加沉闷。至于两岸的树木,看上去像是一排排骷髅。 时间由四月走向五月,这是一个明媚...
Jane Eyre (2006)【英】 [SCENE 1] [Jane and Rochester shows their affection to each other.] Jane:Must I leave, sir? Must I leave Thornfield? Rochester:Yes, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you must. Jane:You’re to be married? Rochester:Exactly. Precisely. As you with your usual acuten...
QQ阅读提供简爱 Jane Eyre(双语译林),第5章在线阅读服务,想看简爱 Jane Eyre(双语译林)最新章节,欢迎关注QQ阅读简爱 Jane Eyre(双语译林)频道,第一时间阅读简爱 Jane Eyre(双语译林)最新章节!
A preface to the first edition of "Jane Eyre"being unnecessary,I gave none:this second edition demands a few words both of acknowledgment and miscellaneous remark. My thanks are due in three quarters. To the Public,for the indulgent ear it has inclined to a plain tale with few pretension...
That's who you are." I also thought that if someone picks it up and tries it purely out of curiosity and they like it, then I've got an extra sale. I refused to do English literature at school because Jane Eyre was one of the set books. I've never read it, although I've got...
Jane Eyre (Read 180)Trina Robbins
Imagery & Foreshadowing in Jane Eyre Instructor Clayton Tarr Clayton has taught college English and has a PhD in literature.Cite this lesson In this lesson, we will examine imagery and foreshadowing in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. We will specifically be looking at how the image of the red...
Define Jane Doe. Jane Doe synonyms, Jane Doe pronunciation, Jane Doe translation, English dictionary definition of Jane Doe. or Jane Roe n. 1. Used as a name in legal proceedings to designate an unknown woman or girl or to protect the identity of a known