"We are, and must be, one and all, burdened with faults in this world: but the time will soon come when, I trust, we shall put them off in putting off our corruptible bodies; when debasement and sin will fall from us with this cumbrous frame of flesh, and only the spark of the ...
Review Bertha Mason in ''Jane Eyre.'' Discover where Bertha Mason was from, and study the character and significance of Bertha Rochester in Charlotte Bronte's novel. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Bertha Mason Character Analysis of Bertha Mason in Jane Eyre Quotes on Bertha Rochester...
Learn about St. John Rivers in Jane Eyre. Discover St. John's pronunciation, study his character analysis, examine his relationship with Jane, and...
Jane Eyre: Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis Next Chapter 5 Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis For two months, Jane anxiously waits for her schooling to start. She is finally interviewed by Mr. Brocklehurst—the aloof and stern headmaster of the Lowood school. He lectures Jane about reli...
《Jane Eyre》的原文摘录 按热度排序 按页码排序 “我劝你活得清白,希望你死得安宁。”…… “罗切斯特先生,我没有把这种命运强加给你,就像我自己不会把它当作我的命运一样。我们生来就是苦斗和忍受的,你我都一样,就这么去做吧。”……“ 我关心我自己,愈是孤单,愈是没有朋友,愈是没有朋友,愈是无助,...
Jane Eyre quotes about beauty 18. “I like this day; I like that sky of steel; I like the sternness and stillness of the world under this frost.”— Charlotte Bronte 19. “A loving eye is all the charm needed: to such you are handsome enough; or rather, your sternness has a powe...
《Jane Eyre》的原文摘录 “你从来没嫉妒过,是吗,爱小姐?当然没有,我用不着问因为你还从来没恋爱过。这两种感情都还有待于你去体验呢。你的心灵还在沉睡,还有待于一次震荡能把它唤醒。你以为一切生活都是像平静的流水般消逝,就跟到现在为止你的青春直在平静地溜走一样。你闭目塞听,随波逐流地漂去,既没...
What is Jane Eyre about? Read the Jane Eyre summary here. Learn more about the characters and plot lines of Jane Eyr
Memorable quotes for Jane Eyre,简爱经典台词 Memorable quotes forJane Eyre (1996) More at IMDbPro » ad feedback Jane Eyre: We are truly devoted, my Edward and I; our hearts beat as one; our happiness is complete. Mr. Brocklehurst: And what is hell? Can you tell me that? Young ...
Answer and Explanation: Jane Eyretakes place during the early 1800s. The exact year is unspecified. The story is set in the Victorian Era. This time period is crucial to the... Learn more about this topic: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë | Time Period, Analysis & Quotes ...