简爱:JANE EYRE(英文原版)上QQ阅读看本书 新人免费读10天 领看书特权 第28章 CHAPTER 27 Some time in the afternoon I raised my head,and looking round and seeing the western sun gilding the... 后续精彩内容,上QQ阅读APP免费读 上QQ阅读看本书,新人免费读10天 登录订阅本章 > 第29章 CHAPTER 28...
Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 28(7) 文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2014-10-09 04:55 字体: [大 中 小] 进入论坛 (单词翻译:双击或拖选) TWO days are passed. It is a summer evening; the coachman has set me down at a place called Whitcross; he could take me no farther for the ...
CHAPTER XXVIII Two days are passed. It is a summer evening; the coachman has set me down at a place called Whitcross; he could take me no farther for the sum I had given, and I was not possessed of another shilling in the world. The coach is a mile off by this time; I am alon...
4538 Jane Eyre by:丹顶鹤15 158 Jane Eyre by:爱读书的榛子 2731 Jane Eyre by:我们的成长记 2564 JANE EYRE by:北方小镇的花 6405 简爱jane_eyre by:Tiger学外语 1938 简爱|Jane Eyre by:多语种课堂 3217 简爱Jane Eyre by:iGlobalist 958万 简爱Jane Eyre by:英语乐园 1.3万 简爱Jane Eyre by:英语乐...
Jane,Eyre,chapter23,,英文总结 :英文Jane Eyre chapter23 summary jane eyre jane eyre chapter 1 jane eyre英文简介 篇一:简爱英文总结 JaneEyre 140160334 张珊summary The novel tells the story of an orphan girl. Jane Eyre, the daughter of a poor parson, loses her parents shortly after birth....
Jane Eyre(《简爱》英文完整版,由Juliet Stevenson朗读) 《简·爱》(JaneEyre)是十九世纪英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,人们普遍认为《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”,是一部具有自传色... 外语 305.40万 223 《哈利·波特》1-7部精品中文有声书全集| J.K.罗琳原著,光合积木演播 胡...
Mrs. Fairfax surprised me by looking out of the window with a sadcountenance11, and saying gravely--"Miss Eyre, will you come to breakfast?" During the meal she was quiet and cool: but I could not undeceive her then. I must wait for my master to give explanations; and so must she...
简爱Jane Eyre 附英文原文 中级1 245.71万4.67万免费订阅 06 Chapter6 Learning to like school 9.64万04:21 07 Part Three A governess at Thomfield Chapter7 Thornfield and Mr Rochester 9.79万08:55 08 Chapter8 Getting to know Mr Rochester 9.25万11:36 09 Chapter9 Mr Rochester’s past 8.17万05:46...
CHAPTER EIGHT: The Wild English Girl: Jane Eyre Chapter 8 of the book "Disorienting Fiction: The Authoethnographic Work of the Nineteenth-Century British Novels," by James Buzard is presented. It explore... J Buzard - 《Disorienting Fiction》...
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