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简爱:JANE EYRE(英文原版)第23章 CHAPTER 22Mr.Rochesterhadgivenmebutoneweek'sleaveofabsence:yetamonthelapsedbeforeIquittedGates...
系统标签: jane eyre 衷情 chapter thornfield sir 1 Chapter23 …… "Now,hehashisbacktowardsme,"thoughtI,"andheisoccupiedtoo;perhaps,ifIwalksoftly,I canslipawayunnoticed." Itrodeonanedgingofturfthatthecrackleofthepebblygravelmightnotbetrayme:hewas standingamongthebedsatayardortwodistantfromwhereIhadtopa...
Chapter 23 A splendid Midsummer shone over England: skies so pure, suns so radiant as were then seen in long succession, seldom favour even singly, our wave-girt land. It was as if a band of Italian days had come from the South, like a flock of glorious passenger birds, and lighted ...
简爱:JANE EYRE(英文原版)第24章 CHAPTER 23AsplendidMidsummershoneoverEngland:skiessopure,sunssoradiantaswerethenseeninlongsucc...
Chapter 37 Relations Chapter 38 Homecomings Chapter 39 'Jane! Jane! Jane!' Chapter 40 A Blackened Ruin Chapter 41 Death and Destruction Chapter 42 Magic Chapter 43 Past and Future Chapter 44 The End Activities Jane Eyre 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 ...
Jane Eyre-Chapter XIII (单词翻译:单击) Mr. Rochester, it seems, by the surgeon's orders, went to bed early that night; nor did he rise soon next morning. When he did come down, it was to attend to business: his agent and some of histenants1were arrived, and waiting to speak with...
978 《简爱》英文朗读 by:北辰凡音 4199 简爱英文漫画版双语讲解 by:乐之有声双语绘本 8.8万 简爱中英文朗读 by:邱婷爱丽丝 9.6万 Jane Eyre 《简爱》英文完整版 by:英美文学选读WeChat 4.1万 简爱英文版|跟杨妈一起学英语 by:叨叨小夭 7320 Jane Eyre 《简爱》- 英文原版 by:Ava_陪你学外语 ...
Jane,Eyre,chapter23,,英文总结:英文JaneEyrechapter23summaryjaneeyre janeeyrechapter1janeeyre英文简介 篇一:简爱英文总结 JaneEyre 140160334张珊summary Thenoveltellsthestoryofanorphangirl.JaneEyre,thedaughter of apoorparson,losesherparentsshortlyafterbirth.Shelivesat thehouseholdofheraunt,treatedrudelybyheraunt...
看简爱 Jane Eyre(英文原版)CHAPTER XVIII最新章节, Merry days were these at Th...番茄小说网下载番茄小说免费阅读全文。