A., Recker, J., van de Wouw, S. (2010): An Integrative Framework of the Factors Affecting Process Model Understanding: A Learning Perspective. In D. Leidner, J. Elam: Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems. 12-15 August 2010, Lima, Peru. Brown, R., West,...
Pilgrim's Pride - Redruth Pilgrim's UK - Ashton Pilgrim's Westerleigh Bromborough Pilgrim's Bodmin Select Fruit Pineau PINEWOOD HEALTHCARE Philva bvba Pilgrims Food Masters Pilgrims Food Masters Pilgrims UK Pilgrims UK Pilgrims UK Pilgrims UK Pilgrims UK Pineau fruits Pinewood Healthcare Terwouwenst...
摘要: 地方猪具有耐粗饲、肉质优良等种质特性。本文基于肠道微生物,分析饲粮对肠道微生物菌群组成和功能的影响、肠道微生物在粗饲料利用中的作用以及肠道微生物-肠-脑轴调节宿主代谢影响营养物质利用和脂肪沉积的机制,探讨地方猪对粗饲料的利用和肉质性状形成的分子基础,为充分利用地方猪耐粗饲和优良肉质性状、提高生产...