This study examines documentary evidence in the form of personal letters concerning the commission of a frontispiece from the then apprentice printmaker Jan van de Velde II (1593-1641) for a 1613 edition of Jean Taffin's best-selling Boetverdicheit des levens ('T...
Amsterdam, while that in the background appears to have been inspired by the Martinikerk in Emmerik. The figures are given by Buchanan and by Smith,loc. cit., 1834, to Adriaen van de Velde; Smith subsequently revised his opinion and in 1842 described them as the work of Eglon van der ...
Jan Steen wurde von verschiedenen Traditionen beeinflusst, darunter die Haarlemer Genremalerei (Essaias van de Velde, Willem Buytewech, Frans Hals), die Bauernmalerei (Pieter Bruegel der Ältere, Adriaen van Ostade) und die flämische Malerei (Jacob Jordaens). Er nahm diese Einflüsse ...
A calm sea in the still of the evening and a distant frigate firing a salute anticipate works by Willem II van de Velde, the great master of Dutch marine painting. At the end of his life, van Goyen painted seascapes in silvery grey with grey-blue shadows and touches of local colour in...
Van der Heyden often painted country estates, like Goudestein, owned by Joan Huydecoper II. He was not good in drawing figures and used for his paintings a metal plate for bricks, a sponge or moss for the leaves. Johannes Lingelbach, Adriaen van de Velde und Eglon van der Neer ...
(1 mm3) and washed twice with water followed by destaining using a 1:1 mixture of methanol and 50 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.0. The gel pieces were dehydrated for 5 min using first, a 1:1 mixture of acetonitrile and 50 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.0 followed by 100% acetonitrile for 30...