Three Kings Day, or Epiphany, is steeped in traditions with beautiful meaning pointing to the Christ-child. To introduce your children Three Kings Day traditions, here are somefun, yet simpleways to make this day meaningful to your child. ...
11吴杰璠 Epiphany 中央财经大学 12彭姝燃 Revive my spirit and forge ahead 安徽大学大一 13曹智An unforgettable experience of“death”-Death and Rose安徽大学研二 14徐潋殷 Born to the sun 向阳而生 浙江越秀外国语学院 15Zheng ShuyingLove in heartJiangHan University 16方恒 Dream 中央财大 17李杨子煜 ...
11吴杰璠 Epiphany 中央财经大学 12彭姝燃 Revive my spirit and forge ahead 安徽大学大一 13曹智An unforgettable experience of“death”-Death and Rose安徽大学研二 14徐潋殷 Born to the sun 向阳而生 浙江越秀外国语学院 15Zheng ShuyingLove in heartJiangHan University 16方恒 Dream 中央财大 17李杨子煜 ...