Presently, two species of rotifers (Macrochaetus sericus & Lecane tenuiseta) have been recorded for the first time from Jammu. M. sericus is first record from Union territory of J&K while L. tenuiseta has already been reported from Kashmir. During the ...
This paper documents the direct sightng of the Kashmir Gliding Squirrel from the Gurrai Nallah, Gurez Valley of Jammu & Kashmir.journal of threatened taxaLone G.M.Department of Zoology University of KashmirBhat B.A.Hussain M.S.Lone A.N....
Occurrence of Conochilus Arboreus (Rotifera: Gnesiotrocha) in a Subtropical Pond, JammuSubtropical PondConochilus ArboreusSeasonal BehaviorThe seasonal behavior and abundance of a colonial form of Conochilus arboreus was studied in detail. Its relationship with abiotic and biotic factors was invest...
Two new nematode species of Mylonchulus collected from district Rajouri of Jammu and Kashmir State, India, are described and illustrated. Mylonchulus labiatus sp. n. has medium-sized body, lips and labial papillae prominent, heavily sclerotised, buccal cavity goblet-shaped or funnel shaped, ...
Samolus valerandi L. (Primulaceae): A new Angiospermic record from Jammu and Kashmir, Indiadoi:10.5281/APS.2021.10.2.1Mushtaq AhmedManjul Dhiman
Naseem, Ishfaq
The seed of Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. was brought from Assar area of Doda district and introduced under Mid-hill conditions of Jammu region. Two sets of experiments were conducted separately in Lab and field conditions, respectively. In first set of experiment, mean germination percentage under...