第一個驗證提示會以Microsoft Entra識別碼建立Cloud Connector for Device Compliance應用程式。 第二個驗證提示會建立 裝置合規性的使用者註冊應用程式。 新的瀏覽器索引標籤會開啟至具有 [設定 合規性合作夥伴 ] 對話方塊的 Jamf 入口網站頁面,然後選取標示為 [ 開啟Microsoft 端點管理員]的按鈕。 新的瀏覽器索引...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 的部落格 https://aka.ms/Intune/Jamf-Device-Compliance文章。提示 如需整合 Jamf Pro 與 Intune 和 Microsoft Entra ID 的指引,包括如何設定 Jamf Pro 將 Intune 公司入口網站應用程式部署到您使用 Jamf Pro 管理的裝置,請參閱 整合Jamf Pro 與 Intune 以回報對 Microsoft Entra ID ...
Si vous avez besoin d’aide, contactezJamf Customer Success. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le billet de blog à l’adressehttps://aka.ms/Intune/Jamf-Device-Compliance. Cet article peut vous aider à effectuer les tâches suivantes: Configurez les composants et configurations requis dan...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 的部落格 https://aka.ms/Intune/Jamf-Device-Compliance文章。提示 如需整合 Jamf Pro 與 Intune 和 Microsoft Entra ID 的指引,包括如何設定 Jamf Pro 將 Intune 公司入口網站應用程式部署到您使用 Jamf Pro 管理的裝置,請參閱 整合Jamf Pro 與 Intune 以回報對 Microsoft Entra ID ...
如需關於電腦和行動裝置的裝置合規工作流程之逐步說明,請參閱以下技術文獻:Device Compliance with Microsoft Intune and Jamf Pro(與Microsoft Intune和Jamf Pro整合的裝置合規)。 Jamf Pro裝置合規需求 管理員需求 若要配置與Jamf Pro整合的Microsoft Intune,需要以下項目: Jamf Cloud託管的環境 注意: Jamf Pre...
Users have praised the software for its ability to streamline device management, ensuring compliance with company security policies and providing superb support. With Jamf Pro, users have successfully managed unmanaged macOS devices and migrated Intune managed macOS devices, making it effortless to ...
To install Creative Cloud at my company, end users are directed to the Adobe Creative Cloud website (https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/desktop-app.html). Every two weeks I get a report from our Security team listing device vulnerabilities. There's ...View more ...
Intune’s device compliance engine integrates with Azure Active Directory and allows you to identify unmanaged and non-compliant Mac computers in your environment. You can then remediate the identified machines in Jamf’s Self Service for macOS. ...
Rippling is an all-in-one platform for HR, IT, payroll, and spend management used to streamline the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring to benefits administration. Rippling additionally automates HR tasks, ensures compliance, and simplifies approvals. Rippling can also handle device management, ...
Device management- Jamf and Microsoft Power BI provide insight, visibility, and interactive reporting to bring a deeper level of data analytics. Identity and access management- Jamf integrates with Microsoft Intune and Entra ID for better identity management, SSO capabilities, device compliance, and ...