From a security point of view, there are several reasons why you do not want to use the Jamf Pro API for pushing this information down locally to the computer. As the information we use is static and does not often change, we can use this method to deploy the values locally to the co...
無法擷取 Microsoft Graph API 的存取令牌。 檢查 Microsoft Intune 整合的組態。原因如果您的防火牆或 Proxy 伺服器封鎖 Jamf Pro 與 Intune 之間的通訊所需的埠,就會發生此問題。解決方案若要修正此問題,請確定不會封鎖下列 TCP 連接埠:Intune:443 macOS 裝置:2195、2196 和 5223 Jamf Pro:80 和 5223...
Ensure that your Jamf Pro API token has the necessary permissions to access the required endpoints on the Jamf Classic API ("/computerapplications" and "/computerapplicationusage"). The privileges required for these endpoints are "Read Advanced Computer Searches" and "Read Computers". The "better"...
Update token refresh method. v7.2.0 Add support for API client in both the UI and command line. v7.1.1 Prevent configuration profiles that include a Filevault payload from migrating. Fix export of smart comuter/device groups. Fix color mismatch (issue #88) v7.1.0 Command line functionality...
Combine the network ID and API key values into a string similar toNetworkID:APIKeyValue Base64 encode the string generated in step 2. i. A command similar to the following can be run from Terminal to generate the authorization token. ...
Getting the API token is our first task. We will be able to reuse a lot of the code for subsequent API calls. In the JamfList code, select the line with the print command and replace it with: This will declare the variables needed to connect to the Jamf Pro API. Replace the values...
API URL: the Jamf instance URL. Username: the username of the Jamf account. The user created must have an author role. Password: the password of the Jamf account. API Access Token: encoded base-64 string used in authorization of Jamf API access. This is generated from the username and pa...
The Cloud Connector authenticates with Microsoft Azure and sends device inventory data from Jamf Pro to Azure. In addition, the Cloud Connector manages service discovery in Azure, token exchange, communication errors, and disaster recovery.Where is device inventory data stored?Device inventory data is...
( /usr/bin/curl "$URL/api/v1/auth/token" \ --silent \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Basic $encodedCredentials" ) # parse authToken for token, omit expiration token=$( /usr/bin/awk -F \" '/token/{ print $4 }' <<< "$authToken" | /usr/bin/xargs ) function ...
The Jamf Pro API may only want the file parameter. (And here's an example of using the API to upload an attachment if you haven't already seen it: You should update the script to use Bearer Token auth since simple...