Prestage enrollments make for almost zero tough device deployment. Likelihood to Recommend Sharing an iPad with multiple students (Shared iPad mode) is very helpful for us. Each student can have their own profile with own settings stored. Apple devices are not very enterprise friendly, compared to...
NOOB prestage enrollment question I am teaching myself jamf on the fly it's going well so far. I just have one burning question. When I go to Devices> Prestage Enrollments> Scope> View should this always be populated with devices? I am just wondering why once the enrollment process i.....
Automated Device Enrollment requires that User Initiated Enrollment on your Jamf Server to be configured. It's counter intuitive, but that's how it works. Settings > Global > User-initiated enrollment and then make sure the check boxes are checked for macOS and iOS to enroll device...
Assuming computers are part of DEP, you can setup a PreStage Enrollment to provision new devices or recently wiped devices. Computers have to have “User-Initiated Enrollment” for macOS configured as this will allow for a QuickAdd package to be created during enrollment. If you are only using...
PreStage Enrollment on Apple Business Manager / Apple School Manager devices. With the latest version of Jamf Pro, admins can manage Activation Lock outside of PreStage Enrollment entirely, meaning customers will not have to wipe and re-enroll devices in order to...
Excellent tutorial! I was stuck at the "Unable to Verify Server Enrollment" error. I was able to use your tutorial to enroll our first non-DEP iOS device. Thanks! Any idea what PreStage, if any, AC2 assigns the iPad to? I assuming if it does actually add it to a Pr...
Trying to update the MDM profile with "sudo profiles renew -type enrollment" but end up with a "different server URL" error. (I guess the prestage changed) sudo jamf removemdmprofile didn't work - maybe because the machine has Ventura? When I ran jamf policy I got "device signature erro...
We have an odd behavior effecting DEP enrollment on Jamf Pro 10.1.1. These Macs complete the Setup Assistant as expected based on our PreStage Enrollment settings, however the Jamf agent fails to install. We get the following in jamf.log Enrolling computer... Wed Feb 07 13:54:01...
Was getting "The server chain for your organization's MDM server was not properly setup" when trying to enroll using ADE when going from the built in CA cert to a 3RD party cert. The fix was to add the 3rd part cert to the certificates in the PreStage enrollmen...
It can be hard to locate documentation for purchase if the device is lets say 5 years old. Your purchaser can usually provide you with a purchase number for bulk purchases. You can prevent this by enabling Prevent user from enabling Activation Lock in Devices > PreStage Enrollments. Go to ...