MIRI(the Mid-InfraRed Instrument中红外仪):MIRI 是望远镜上唯一能够在中红外波长下工作的仪器,在 5 µm 至 28 µm 波长范围内提供成像、日冕成像和光谱。 NIRCam(the Near-InfraRed Camera近红外相机):Webb 的 NIRCam 是天文台的主要相机,将同时在两个不同的红外范围内对宇宙进行成像,获得一些最深(即最...
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has double-checked the Hubble Space Telescope's calculations of the expanding universe, finding its older sibling telescope was spot on the money. This possibly intensifies an existing headache for cosmologists called the "Hubble tension." The Hubble Tension ari...
Explore the Cosmos with Our Cutting-Edge 3D Game: Unveiling the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)" Embark on a celestial journey like never before with our i…
According to NASA, the James Webb Space Telescope will focus on four main areas: the first light in the universe, the assembly of galaxies in the early universe, the birth of stars and protoplanetary systems, and planets (including the origins of life.) The James Webb Space Telescope will u...
鸽王詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(The James Webb Space Telescope (以下简称JWST))终于在美国东部时间2021年12月25日7时20分发射升空,开始其太空之旅。 JWST的基本原理就是一个卡式离轴三反望远镜,由直径6.6m的主镜(PM)、次镜(SM)和三级镜TM组成。主反射镜段以及主反射镜、主反射镜和主反射镜(FSM)的基板材料是铍...
James-Webb-Weltraumteleskop 詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜(英语:James Webb Space Telescope,简称JWST,是已发射的红外线空间天文台望远镜,原计划耗费5亿美元并于2007年发射升空。但由于各种原因项目拖延严重超支...
历史的天空: 向詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜(James Webb Space Telescope)的开发集成者——诺斯洛普·格鲁曼公司太空园的工匠们致敬! 2022年7月13日,Google更改了“Google Doodle”(“谷歌涂鸦”,见下图),以庆祝詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜(JWST)用“首高解析彩色图”拍摄的130亿年最古老星系。
This slide presentation review the mission objective, the organization of the mission planning, the design, and testing of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). There is also information about the orbit, in comparison to the Hubble Space Telescope, the mirror design, and the science instruments...
"Their objective is to demonstrate ... to the world and to the public that Webb is fully operational and that it produces excellent results," said Klaus Pontoppidan, Webb project scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. "It's also an opportunity to celebrate the beginni...
JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE: FIRST LIGHT MACHINE Imagine a time machine so powerful that you could peer back 13.5 billion years into the past to witness the ‘birth’ of the universe and watch as the greatest origin story of all unfolds. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), fondly referred...