“In this stage set of geologic time, I wanted to make spaces that engage celestial events in light so that the spaces perform a ‘music of the spheres’ in light.” Turrell另一个广为人知的作品是罗登陨石坑,这个前所未有的天象体验地点位于亚利桑那州北部沙漠的偏远地区。他从1977年开始研究,旨在...
Kanye West 受到 James Turrell 启发可以追溯至在 2010 年 BET 颁奖典礼上《Power》演出现场中的「火山」置景;而此次 James Turrell「光与空间」的诗意,作品中的感官刺激和唤醒人们原始感知,正好为大家跟随 Kanye West 的「灵性之旅」打开了一扇窗。 76 岁高龄的 James Turrell,作为「光与空间运动(Lightand Space...
James Turrell @ de Young Museum, San Fransisco 长期开放 这个名为Three Gems的Skyspace作品有些难找,位于de Young Museum侧院的Osher Sculpture Garden中,有些曲径通幽的意味。他的Skyspace作品都很像冥想室,背墙的倾角让人靠上去之后正好可以微仰看天。发呆,写诗,对视微笑。室内墙面被LED点亮,根据室外光线强度和...
You take away the paint and the sculpture, and for you, it’s simply directness. TURRELL: Yes. [Art critic] Nancy Marmer wrote a very good piece about this idea to get rid of the object, and it had to do also with a political statement about value and worth and things like that....
The installation, like many of Turrell’s works, plays with light and our perception of it. The university already had a decades-long collaborative relationship with the artist, and worked with Turrell to construct the skyspace in 2003 in the sculpture court within the art museum. The skyspace...
Ye 承认在看完 Turrell 罗丹山火口装置后便顿悟,豁然开朗后的 Ye 在音乐上的转变,或视觉呈现上有着更直接明了的想法,而 Turrell 与其艺术装置则在其中充当一个推动的角色。 而更为灵性一点的,就是 Turrell 曾告诉《Sculpture》杂志:「我喜欢举的例子是当你戴着好的耳机或拥有好的立体声系统时,享受的声音体验,...
the james turrell retrospective at LACMA is one of three exhibitions of the seminal artist, concurrently shown across the USA for the summer of 2013.
James Turrell, Photograph by Florian Holzherr Copyright James Turrell, This will be James Turrell’s second solo exhibition at PACE and will consist of new works by the Light and Space master. The exhibition will be on view from 11th February to 27th March 2020. Turrell is among the most ...
It has been “curated by James Turrell,” as the subtitle proclaims. The prospect of Turrell, an American master of light, presiding over a show of paintings by Reinhardt, an American master of dark, has a special allure, offering not only two visions for the price of one but a glimpse...
But no one has done it quite like American sculptor James Turrell. His latest "skyspace" is behind the old deer shelter at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Turrell's technique involves constructing an 8m concrete cube with an aperture that opens to the sky.Steele, Francesca...