The day he passed, and the following days thereafter are now a blur. I remember getting a call at work from my mother to pick her up and take her to the hospital because dad was taken there by ambulance. My sister and uncle met us there. As they put mom, my sister, and me in t...
After my meal, I creep into the library. My senses expand to cover all of Seven Chimneys. I'm tuned to Darcy's breathing as she sleeps in the master bedroom on the third floor. Eric didn't come home tonight; on his busier days, he sleeps at the hospital. I worry Eric is putting ...
The day he passed, and the following days thereafter are now a blur. I remember getting a call at work from my mother to pick her up and take her to the hospital because dad was taken there by ambulance. My sister and uncle met us there. As they put mom, my sister, and me in ...
Or a cotton gin out on the great high plainsThat's done closed down along with the schoolAnd the hospital and the swimming poolDust devils dance in the noonday heatThere's rats in the alley and trash in the streetGang graffiti on a boxcar doorWe can't make it here anymore...
(1) I Remember it Well (1) I'll Have What She's Having (1) I'll Say She Is (1) I've Got a Secret (2) I24News (1) IAC Summit (1) IAYC (1) Ice Cream (2) Ice Skating (1) Iceland (1) Ichilov Hospital (1) IDF (21) IDF Choirs (1) IDF Orchestra (1) IDF ...
was needed at Sawtelle Veterans Hospital. The young James was enrolled in the Brentwood Public School and he live there until 1940. That was the year, on April 14th, his mother, only 29, succumbed to uterine cancer, too far advanced by the time it was discovered. His mother had been hel...