'Terminator' locked up in film archive Arnold Schwarzeneggerhas earned a spot in the halls of Washington, but not because of his political career. Instead, the former actor's turn as a robot from the future was enshrined in the Library of Congress as the National Film Registry announced Tuesd...
There was a revival of the horror craze during the period of WWII. The Hollywood studios, both major and ‘Poverty Row” like Monogram and Republic, realized that horror movies were a lucrative business. The studios began to revisit the genre, looking for not only fresh formulas but they res...
DJ Super Soul:“And there goes the Challenger, being chased by the blue, blue meanies on wheels. The vicious traffic squad cars are after our lone driver, the last American hero, the electric centaur, the, the demi-god, the super driver of the golden west! Two nasty Nazi cars are clos...
InThe Wings of the Dove, the New York heiress Milly Theale is the leading character, the “dove” of the story. Upon her death, Merton Densher, who has pursued her for her money, finally cannot accept it; he has become a morally better person through his contact with Milly. Milly The...
He met with noted drama coach Warren Robertson, and decided to give acting a try. After beating out 5,000 hopefuls and winning the role of Drago opposite Sylvester Stallone in "Rocky IV", Lundgren went on to star in many feature films. Previous to getting the coveted role in "Rocky IV...
(1845-1883), Robertson (1846-1910), and Alice (1848-1892). The future fiction writer's earliest memory was significant: under two years old and in Paris with his parents, he looked out of their carriage and saw the "tall and glorious column" in the Place Vendome. This moment was the...
Richard Cottrell and Toby Robertson were directors. (January 1974 - December 1974) He acted in the Repertoire Season in the National Theatre production at the Old Vic Theatre in London, England in Trevor Griffith's play, "The Party;" Eduardo De Filippo's play, "Saturday Sunday Monday;" ...
House Pelosi, Jeffries stop short of backing Harris as 2024 nominee by Mychael Schnell 07/21/24 5:37 PM ET House Clyburn to Manchin: ‘This is not the Democratic Party of my father and that is a great thing’ by Nick Robertson 07/21/24 1:36 PM ET << Page 1 >> Just...
Robertson Davies (3) Eric Leif Davin (1) Gerry Davis (1) Grania Davis (1) Aliette de Bodard (20) L. Sprague de Camp (3) Michael de Larrabeiti (1) Charles V. De Vet (1) Pamela Dean (1) Paul Dean (1) Len Deighton (1) Judy-Lynn del Rey (1) Lester del Rey (2) Samuel R...
Artists: Darick Robertson and others Publisher: Dynamite 2006–2012 72 Issues (Including several Spin-Off Specials and Mini-Series) The last series I’ve been working my way through is The Boys. It’s written by Garth Ennis, who is probably best known for his ‘Preacher’ series, which has...