404 OBITUARY. this country, he went to Russia as Resident Engineer on the construction of the Odessa waterworks. Thirty years ago he went out to Australia,, where he held several appointments. Amongst other work, he carried out the surveys for the Mount Lyell railway in Tasmania, was ...
John Fahey 1939-2001.(Brief Article)(Obituary) Cook and Alexander Wedderburn, XII (Lond: George Allen, 1904), 337-93; William Michael Rossetti, "The P.R.B. Journal, 1849-53," Pre-Raphaelite Diaries and Letters (Lond: Hurst and Blackett, 1900); and W. Holman Hunt, Pre-... M Black...
• Ancestors of Lillie Lieu Smith by Warren Berlin Crummett• 50th Anniversary of Warren Berlin Crummett and Elizabeth Ann Stathers• Salient Points of my Beloved Parents: Roles as Servitors: Warren Berlin and Elizabeth Ann Stathers Crummett by Allan W. Crummett• Obituary...
Meaker is also credited with, as her New York Times obituary states, “jump-starting the lesbian pulp fiction genre” for her 1952 novel “Spring Fire.” Book cover for “Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack” a novel by M.E. Kerr Book cover for Gentlehands by M.E. Kerr featuring a young man ...
The SOS Band-producing ex-Time members Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis perform this drastically overdue (though proven “sleeper”) burbling and lurching now 120½bpm 12in backbeat nagger, driving remorselessly behind stridently squawking Kimberley Ball and rapid-fire rappin’ Rich Cason (sparser dub/...
Cook and general, exc. cuisine, housemaid kept. Wanted live man for spirit counter. Resp. girl (R.C.) wishes to hear of post in fruit or pork shop. James Carlisle made that. Six and a half per cent dividend. Made a big deal on Coates’s shares. Ca’ canny. Cunning old Scotch ...
A native fo Rochester now living in Philadelphia, I was disappointed to see that there was no write-up (that I could find, anyway) in the Rochester D & C about Chuck, beyond just the obituary. So, I sent in an editorial in tribute to him myself, and was told by an editor that ...
‘DBC Let The Music Play’, 0- 101bpm ‘Sally’, and short 0-101bpm ‘Rollin’ Wit Rush’, bongo pattered 95-0bpm ‘Freedom Or Death’, organ instrumental 0-100⅔-0bpm ‘Music For The Stetfully Insane’.Continue reading“July 16, 1988: Steve Walsh obituary, Mantronix, Public Enemy...
Queer lot of stuff he must have put through his hands in his time: obituary notices, pubs’ ads, speeches, divorce suits, found drowned. Nearing the end of his tether now. Sober serious man with a bit in the savingsbank I’d say. Wife a good cook and washer. Daughter working the ...
OBITUARY Ernest Jam& Cook, BSc(Eng) who was born on 19 June, 1969, died on 1 June, 1967. He studiedengineering ar London University, taking an honours BSc (Eng) degree. Afterearlyexperience as a junior draughtsman with Fram (London) Ltd, reinforced conaete contractors, and PeterLind 8 ...