James Robert Murray ("Jim") had multiple strings to his bow (tie!). With the mantra of "having a degree in medicine is a passport that transcends all boundaries" firmly in his mind, Jim's career stretched across obstetrics and gynaecology, general practice, pharmaceuticals and drug discovery...
James Young Simpson (redirected fromJames Simpson (doctor)) The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Simpson, James Young Born June 7, 1811, in Bathgate, Scotland; died May 6, 1870, in Edinburgh. Scottish surgeon, obstetrici...
Imperative Surgery for the General Practitioner, the Specialist and the Recent Graduate. In criticising this work one is somewhat disarmed by the statement in the preface that it "presupposes the absence of a surgeon and the impossibility or inexpediency of removing the patient or of waiting for...
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (SLOWLY, SOLEMNLY BUT INDISTINCTLY) Peace, perfect peace. For identification, bucket in my hand. Cheerio, boys. (HE TURNS TO HIS SUBJECTS) We have come here to witness a clean straight fight and we heartily wish both men the best of good luck. Mahak makar a bak. (...
Use of sanders modified neurotoxin in the treatment of lethal organophosphate poisoning: James A. Vick, Murray Sanders and O. N. Fellows Office of The Surgeon General, Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310 and Biotherapeutics, Inc., Delray Beach, Florida 33444...