Do not let housing bully you into signing a lease too early Off-campus housing is notorious for pressuring students into signing leases, but don’t be fooled Guides All the best signs from College GameDay at JMU Our best roasts, DogRates, and The Office references from this weekend ...
Campus Life It’s an 8-minute walk to downtown with Harrisonburg with restaurants, bars, comedy shows and plentiful off-campus student apartments. (On-campus housing is only guaranteed freshman year.) Buses run throughout campus and the surrounding neighborhoods. Students can scan the schedule on...
Campus Life Housing and Dorms Types of campus housing available: coed dorms sorority housing fraternity housing apartments for married students special housing for international students theme housing wellness housing Student Activities 100+ Sports Teams ...
James Madison University offers a number of student services, including nondevelopmental tutoring, women's center, placement service, health service, and health insurance. James Madison University also offers campus safety and security services like 24-hour foot and vehicle patrols, late night transport...
Understanding the diffusion of environmental behavior from on-campus living to off-campus living is important because the majority of a JMU student's residency is often off-campus. It is hypothesized that the Value-Action gap is wider in students who reside in off-campus housing compared to ...
Kunming Campus Kunshan Kurt Schneiter Kushal Das Kuwait Kyle Field Kyle Track Field Kyoto Stadium Kyrgyzstan KZN Rugby L-Acoustics L.A. Chargers L.A. Live L.A. Rams L&N Federal Credit Union Stadium L35 Architects L35 Ribas La Bombonera LA Bowl La Caja Mágica La Cartuja LA Clippers La ...