Among them was John Gill, a noted history professor and cultural observer. (TOS: "Patterns of Force") Kirk studied the exploits of Garth of Izar, a famous captain who joined Kirk's pantheon of heroes. (TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy") The "Pasteur of archaeological medicine", Dr. Roger Korby...
“It would be interesting to know what was the kind of literary fare on which the intellect of Canada subsisted in those days. It cannot be supposed that the people spent all their time in business and social pleasure. There must have been readers as well as cariolers and dancers, and ...
The two main highland roads that can be used to circumvent the Ring Road after it was torn apart in a glacial flood in Múlakvísl between Kirkjubaejarklaustur and Vík in south Iceland are called Fjallabaksleid nyrdri and sydri (“North and South Mountain Back Roads”) and are only ...