I’m not sure I have an answer to that question, especially in reference to James Joyce’s “dirty letters” to his wife and chief muse,Nora. The letters are by turns scandalous, titillating, romantic, poetic, and often downri...
1909. James Joyce lives in Trieste (Italy) with his family. End of October, he leaves alone for Dublin on a business trip, and stays there until the end of December. He makes a pact with his wife to write to each other erotic letters. The letters of his wife disappeared, but the on...
提起乔伊斯 感觉不来点意识流文青体都说不过去但是今天村通网的我见识到了… well 文豪和他老婆的奇葩xp… 因为一个推上网友提了一句 我去搜了James Joyce’s letter to his wife 翻译就不翻译了我实在做不到……简单说就是 他描绘了 他如何在他老婆不停的放屁的时候ooxx,一边日他老婆一遍放……… 麦艾斯...
James Joyce died in Zurich in 1941; his widow still lives there. 1 Forty-five years ago, Joyce met the good-looking, auburn-haired girl who had come from Galway to earn her living in Dublin. The natural freshness, good humour and transparent honesty of Nora Barnacle captivated the budding...
But after reading books by James Joyce, “it really turned me on to reading, and then I started writing,” he says. After college, Patterson got his first job as a junior copy writer at the advertising agency J. Walter Thompson. While climbing the corporate ladder, Patterson wrote his ...
James Augustine Aloysius Joyce(2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist, poet andliterary critic. He contributed to themodernistavant-gardemovement and is regarded as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century. Joyce's novelUlysses(1922) is a landmar...
A strip of torn envelope peeped from under the dimpled pillow. In the act of going he stayed to straighten the bedspread.–Who was the letter from? he asked.Bold hand. Marion.–O, Boylan, she said. He’s bringing the programme.
LettertoLordChesterfield;英美文学欣赏(第五版);英美文学欣赏(第五版);作者简介 威廉·莎士比亚(WilliamShakespeare,1564-1616)是英国文艺复兴时期最伟大的诗人、剧作家,也被认为是世界文学史上最伟大的诗人和剧作家。莎士比亚出生于英国中部埃文河畔的斯特拉福镇。幼年在当地文法学校学习,20多岁只身到伦敦谋生,在剧团里...
On the vigil of the 15th anniversary of her birth she wrote a letter from Mullingar, county Westmeath, making a brief allusion to a local student (faculty and year not stated).Did that first division, portending a second division, afflict him?
Minister for Defence, ‘who’s a prime asshole’. The third was that the Irish government had sent no representative to attend his grandfather’s funeral in Zürich. The fourth was that a children’s story called The Cats of Copenhagen, written by Joyce in a letter to his grandson, had ...