and all of their accompanying retinue.[27]The company stopped in Spain, where Douglas offered their assistance to Alfonso, king of Castile and Leon, who was at war with the Saracen king of Granada.[2]There are varying accounts of how Sir James Douglas fell in battle at Turon, near Teba,...
Following Blanche’s death in 1368, Katherine was appointed governess to the duchess’s daughters. In September 1371 John of Gaunt was remarried, toConstance of Castile; Constance had a claim to the throne of Castile and John was soon being addressed as King of Castile. In the same year, K...
4. Patronage and Piety: Catalan Letters from Llull to March : The Worlds of Alfonso the Learned and James the Conqueror Intellect and Force in the Middle AgesThe thirteenth-century monarch Alfonso the Learned of Castile and his contemporary...
Success for us is the death of the intellect and of the imagination. We were never loyal to the successful. We serve them. I teach the blatant Latin language. I speak the tongue of a race the acme of whose mentality is the maxim: time is money. Material domination. Dominus! Lord!
–THE ROSE OF CASTILE. See the wheeze? Rows of cast steel. Gee!He poked Mr O’Madden Burke mildly in the spleen. Mr O’Madden Burke fell back with grace on his umbrella, feigning a gasp.–Help! he sighed. I feel a strong weakness.Lenehan, rising to tiptoe, fanned his face rapidly...
It was given me by a man I don’t know his name. (PLAUSIBLY) You know that old joke, rose of Castile. Bloom. The change of name. Virag. (HE MURMURS PRIVATELY AND CONFIDENTIALLY) We are engaged you see, sergeant. Lady in the case. Love entanglement. (HE SHOULDERS THE SECOND WATCH ...
Rose of Castile. Rows of cast. Police! Some H2O for a gent fainted. Look at Bantam’s flowers. Gemini. He’s going to holler. The colleen bawn. My colleen bawn. O, cheese it! Shut his blurry Dutch oven with a firm hand. Had the winner today till I tipped him a dead cert. ...
The Rose of Castile(1857) Satanella(1858) The Armorer of Nantes(1863) Blanche d Nevers(1863) The Knight of the Leopard, orIl Talismano(1874) Moro, the Painter of Antwerp, orPittore e Duca(1881) None of these, however, enjoyed quite the same fame asThe Bohemian Girl. ...
Although the term “antisemitism” is fairly recent, the phenomenon it denotes is centuries-old. To gauge its character, we may cite a few examples. King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile, the firstde factomonarchs of Spain, are famous for having driven the Moors from the ...
James I was the most renowned of the medieval kings of Aragon (1213–76), who added the Balearic Islands and Valencia to his realm and thus initiated the Catalan-Aragonese expansion in the Mediterranean that was to reach its zenith in the last decades of