There I was, nonchalantly pruning my border gardens, as one does at this time of year, when I heard his voice as clear as the Liberty Bell, roughly saying; “Your shenanigans and crafty witchcraft ways do not fool me. We have a serious problem here and I need you to make up your ...
This is my offering to biblical scholars who insist on reading at the Dick and Jane level.I suspect, given the sense of humor of Rudyard Kipling, he would forgive me for using his poem to poke fun at snobs CATASTROPHE THEORY AND THE KINGDOM OF MESSIAH Steve Van Nattan "This is a study...
Harry Potter is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After a long boring summer he cannot wait to get back to school but a house elf named Dobby warns him not to go back because then danger will occur. Harry ignores this and goes back. Draco Malfoy is still...
Harry James Potter is the title character and the main hero of J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy stories.The books cover seven years in the life of the lonely orphan who on his 11th birthday knew he is a wizard.He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic.Under...
He had goat’s legs, little horns on his head, and a long beard; the children in the room called him, “Major-General-field-sergeant -commander-Billy-goat’s-legs” … He was always looking at the table under the looking-glass where stood a very pretty little shepherdess made of china...