在明知道对方不到18岁时,女孩提出如果Franco能用一张纸写出自己的名字就去见对方, Franco依然没有收手,万幸是女孩没有“上勾”,转身把截图公开。 从法律层面上说,纽约法律规定同意最低年龄(the age of consent)正好是17岁,但时年35岁、身为公众人物的Franco还是因为和女孩年龄差距巨大引发巨大争议。 对此,Franco...
在明知道对方不到18岁时,女孩提出如果Franco能用一张纸写出自己的名字就去见对方,Franco依然没有收手,万幸是女孩没有“上勾”,转身把截图公开。 从法律层面上说,纽约法律规定同意最低年龄(the age of consent)正好是17岁,但时年35岁、身为公众人物的Franco还是因为和女孩年龄差距巨大引发巨大争议。 对此,Franco是...
James Franco: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more.
家庭成员:Dave Franco(弟) / Isabel Pakzad(女友) IMDb编号:nm0290556 职业:演员 / 制片人 / 导演 关注38888人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 詹姆斯·弗兰科出生在加州一个普通到不能再普通的平凡家庭,是哥仨中的老大。与美国男孩的坦率爱现完全相反,弗兰科的性格很内向。 弗兰科最...
James Franco - James Edward Franco (born April 19, 1978) is an American actor, artist, and filmmaker. He was born in Palo Alto, California; his father is of Portuguese and Swedish descent, and his mother is Jewish; Franco considers himself a secular
James Franco is an American actor who earned notice on the series 'Freaks and Geeks' before going on to starring roles in 'Spider-Man,' 'Flyboys,' 'Milk,' '127 Hours' and 'The Disaster Artist.'
Working the late shift at McDonald's to make ends meet, Franco appeared in his first major role at the age of 19, as Brian on the crime drama series Pacific Blue (1997). Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Movies and TV Shows 'Freaks and Geeks' After 15 months of intensive study ...
The Holiday (2006) James Franco (uncredited) $85MM $13MM $63MM $205MM Grasshopper (2006) (Short) - Travis $65K Flyboys (2006) Blaine Rawlings $60MM $6MM $13MM $18MM The Wicker Man (2006) Bar Guy #1 $40MM $9.6MM $24MM $39MM The Dead Girl (2006) Derek...
PLAYBOY: Having already accomplished so much at the age of 33, what’s left for you to do? FRANCO: I don’t know if lightning will strike me after this interview, but if it all went away, I really wouldn’t have cause to complain, because I’ve been given more than my share. I...
via2 James Franco's Favorite Books That Defy the White Straight Male Tradition ) 詹姆斯·弗兰科是个读书、学习狂人。他拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校文学学士、哥伦比亚大学文学硕士、布鲁克林大学文学硕士、纽约大学电影学硕士、北卡罗来纳州沃伦威尔逊学院文学硕士学位。如今,他正在攻读耶鲁大学文学博士学位。 弗兰科曾为...