His father, the actor Robert Earl Jones, abandoned the family before James Earl Jones was born, and his mother, Ruth (née Connolly) Jones, later left him to be raised by her parents inMichigan. This living arrangement added to his turmoil due to his grandmother’s racist tirades; he lat...
James Earl Jones' latest step is the role of the patriarch in "You Can't Take it with You." The Broadway revival of the 1937 Pulitzer Prize winning play is about a family fraught with comedic and endearing dysfunction. It's a big production and requires a lot physically from Jones. "W...
哭泣的大地 1996 7.8 演员 猎杀红色十月 1990 7.7 演员 一百年一百部 1998 7.7 演员- 自己 梦幻之地 1989 7.6 演员 梅林 1998 7.6 演员 下课后:过圣诞 2001 7.6 演员- 配音 <前页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 后页> (共210条) > 我来报错 >去 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 影人页 ©...
In “The Hunt for Red October,” Jones plays wise and steady CIA deputy director Vice Admiral James Greer. His calm authority added a layer of realism and tension to this military thriller.Roger Ebert called it“a skillful, efficient film that involves us in the clever and deceptive game bei...
See James Earl Jones's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore James Earl Jones's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professi
更多外文名:James Earl Boggins Jones IMDb编号:nm0000469 职业:演员 / 配音 关注395人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯,美国男演员。1931年生于美国密西西比州的阿卡布特拉市,1953年从密歇根大学毕业。1957年开始演员生涯。1962年他获得奥比最佳非百老汇戏剧演员奖,并因其对百老汇戏剧角色的出演获得两座...
而这句台词的声音来源,为《星战》中的反派达斯•维达配音的美国演员James Earl Jones已于9月9日去世,享年93岁。 在配音事业上,Jones以他特有的威严且低沉的声线闻名,这也让他除了达斯维达外,还塑造过《狮子王》中的经典反派木法沙。 除开这两部国内观众熟悉的作品外,Jones也是一位活跃在美国影坛多年的老演员,...
Over the course of an acting career that spanned more than six decades, James Earl Jones’ voice became an indelible piece of his work as a performer.
James Earl Jones演员个人档案作品年表荣誉成就图片视频新闻留言84 % 我的喜爱度 喜欢 不喜欢 105人参与 平均喜爱度 84% 主要成就 4 获奖 10 提名 更多获奖记录 摩羯 1931-01-17 美国 密西西比 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯,美国男演员。1931年生于美国密西西比州的阿卡布特拉市,1953年从密歇根大学毕业。1957年开始演员生涯...
James Earl Jones (January 17, 1931 – September 9, 2024) was an American actor who voiced Darth Vader in the Star Wars saga. A renowned stage actor, he dubbed over David Prowse's performance in Vader's suit for the original trilogy, with Bob Anderson als