1971 King LP: Sho Is Funky Down Here 01/16/2017 in Vinyl LP tagged 1971 / King / LP / Vinyl by jbsuperfan This LP is available on vinyl reissue: James Brown – People LP. 1980 Polydor LP: People 01/10/2017 in Vinyl LP tagged 1980 / LP / Polydor / Vinyl by jbsuperfan Post...
Urban have pressed on “promo” copies of a four-track 12 inch that contain two tracks each from their new ‘James Brown’s Funky People (Part 2)’ and ‘Urban Classics 2’ LPs, respectively 1972’s brassily burbling and tumbling (0-)96½-96-94½-97bpm Hank Ballard & The Midnig...
enthusiastic beefily bounding repetitive ‘Giving It All I Got‘ (122bpm), James Brown based funkily chugging ‘Got To Be Funky‘ (113bpm), ambient flute tootled jauntily
“Bring It Up” was, to use his own phrase, a new bag: an unusual blend of the fast-advancing funky groove that became Mr. Brown’s own, along with a big band, highly percussive instrumental feel from the powerful horns on the track, all accompanied by his impassioned screech. The alb...
Brown put the godfather in his Godfather of Soul nickname with this tale of revenge. Brown lays out how he’s been wronged and what he’s going to do about it over some funky chicken-scratch guitar. The horns punch like fists and Brown’s emphatic screams punctuate the anger and boasting...
Not only was David Bowie’s funky 1975 hit “Fame” indebted to the James Brown sound, the track’s lead guitarist and co-writer, Carlos Alomar, had played with Brown in the ‘60s. In the documentary, Brown’s engineer Bob Both recalls, “He got frustrated when other artists that were...
When I looked up, the rain had stopped and I decided to take a walk at the Botanical Center right next to UNC Asheville just down the road. Normally, a quiet stream curls through the center, but not on this day. Here's a glimpse of the churning brown waters of the stream that after...
… Steve Proctor has quit Liverpool’s The State to take over club A&R and promotion at Polydor in London, where he’s after gigs on 01-499 8686, his first vinyl protect being the overdue legal reissue of Maceo And The Macks ‘Cross The Track’, flipped by James Brown ‘Funky Drummer...
JAMES BROWN: ‘Living In America’ (US Scotti Brothers 4Z9 05310) Mr Brown comes storming back firing on all cylinders in a traditionally styled if lighter textured skipping rope strutter, prod/co-penned by Dan Hartman for the ‘Rocky IV’ film, in...
JAMES BROWN ‘Payback (The Final Mixdown)’ (Urban URBA 17) Norman Cook and Streets Ahead’s brilliant totally new 0-110⅙-0bpm megamix is even more compulsively danceable, ironing out the rough spots as it smoothly integrates all that it uses to a continuous ‘Funky Drummer’ beat — ...