第一任James Bond:肖恩·康纳利 1953年,曾在英国海军情报局工作的前特工伊恩·弗莱明根据自己的间谍经验创作的第一部詹姆斯·邦德小说《007:大战皇家赌场》(Casino Royale)在英国出版发行,很快风靡一时。伊恩·弗莱明为自己笔下的主角起名时,特意选择了一个无聊、无趣、简单、通俗且具阳刚味的名字——詹姆斯·邦德(Jame...
James Bond movies should confirm an overdue fact after Daniel Craig 12 months ago Henry Cavill would “gladly” consider playing James Bond villain Feb 27, 2024 Classic James Bond movie director was “mixed” on No Time To Die Feb 21, 2024 ...
On May 8, 1963, with the American release of Dr. No, North American moviegoers get their first look down the barrel of a gun—at the super-spy James Bond (codename: 007), the immortal character created by Ian Fleming in his now-famous series of novels and portrayed onscreen by the ...
James Bond 007 contre Dr. No: Réalisé par Terence Young. Avec Sean Connery, Ursula Andress, Joseph Wiseman, Jack Lord. Un agent britannique très débrouillard cherche des réponses après la disparition d'un collègue et la perturbation du programme s
The James Bond Movies Dr. No (1962) 007’s first adventure starts exotic: James Bond is sent to Jamaica to investigate the death of a fellow agent. He gets to meet Honeychile Rider and later Dr. No on his maniac lair Crab Key. The movie settings are pretty close to Ian Flemings lite...
The world's most visited unofficial James Bond 007 website with daily updates, news & analysis of all things 007 and an extensive encyclopaedia. Get your dose of Ian Fleming's spy from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig with our expert online coverage and a ri
Dr No In 1962, the world woke up to the premiere of the very first Bond Movie,Dr No. Starring Sean Connery, the movie plot revolved around James Bond assignment to track down a Chinese technological scientist who worked for the evil agency SPECTRE. Alongside the movie’s popularity,Dr No...
007 pieces. The new Q Watch is showcased together with six other Swatch x 007 watches inspired by the titles of the six iconic Bond films. Fans of the Bond franchise and Swatch are invited to have a closer look on this exclusive watch collection before a new Bond movie “No Time To ...
Learn about the James Bond lifestyle and explore the rich history of 007: the exotic Bond girls, the devious villains, the fast cars and the 24 films from the 50 year old franchise.
James Bond 007 jagt Dr. No: Regie: Terence Young Mit Sean Connery, Ursula Andress, Joseph Wiseman, Jack Lord Geheimdienstchef M schickt James Bond nach Jamaika. Dort soll er den Mord an einem britischen Agenten aufklären. Bond glaubt, dass der mysteri