007 James Bond《金枪人》 John Barry在《金枪人》007 James Bond系列,以仅仅三周的作曲时间交出一部差强人意的作品,这部作品难以和他过去的出色表现相提并论,但和《Live And Let Die》相比,至少还算是像样的电影配乐。 主题曲〈The Man With The Golden Gun〉的类似《Goldfinger》的〈Goldfinger〉,歌词描写反...
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974), German advance poster Unframed: 33 1/2 x 21 in. (85 x 53.3 cm) Exceptionally rare German advance poster. This was the ninth film in the series produced by Eon Productions. It was the second time that Roger Moore played James Bond,...
金枪人(The Man With The Golden Gun)_1 2017-03-12 08:08:0171:54 192 所属专辑:James Bond 007( 詹姆斯·邦德) 喜欢下载分享 声音简介007是风靡全球的一系列谍战电影,007不仅是影片的名称,更是主人公特工詹姆斯·邦德的代号。詹姆斯·邦德(英语:James Bond)是一套小说和系列电影的主角名称。小说原作者是...
James Bond receives a gold bullet inscribed with “007”, signifying he has been targeted by high-class professional assassin Francisco Scaramanga known as “The Man with the Golden Gun”. 007 is relieved of his current assignment, the search for scientist Gibson and his solex agitator, the so...
由盖伊·汉弥尔顿执导、罗杰·摩尔主演的第九部“007”电影《007之金枪人》(The Man with the Golden Gun )于1974年12月19日在英国首映。《007之金枪人》是在克里姆林宫上映的第一部007电影,在看过影片之后,一位苏联官员说:“我们没能把他(金枪人)训练好。”因为该片中的金枪人是克格勃培养出来的职业杀手。
Voila! Finally, the Man With The Golden Gun script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the James Bond movie. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Man With The Golden Gun. I know, I know, I still need to get the...
I’ll start off by saying that I am biased;The Man With The Golden Gunis the very first Bond film I saw (at the cinema, before they had even showedDr Noon television) and so it will always have a special place in my heart.
钢琴谱007系列-詹姆斯·邦德-主题曲15首 - 521 - James Bond - The Man With The Golden Gun 艺术家:未知 调性:c调 演奏难度: 创建时间:2014-08-18 在弹 想弹 弹过 喜欢|加入谱集| 手机查看 |全屏查看 下载图片 下载图片 下载图片 下载图片
World Is Not Enough, The Tomorrow Never Dies Goldeneye Licence To Kill Living Daylights, The View To A Kill, A Octopussy For Your Eyes Only Moonraker Spy Who Loved Me, The Man With The Golden Gun, The Live And Let Die Diamonds Are Forever On Her Majesty's Secret Ser...