Demographic Statistics 2016, pp. 15–16 (2011 Census) Rank Parish Pop. Kingston 1 Kingston Kingston 661,862 Montego Bay 2 Portmore Saint Catherine 182,153 3 Spanish Town Saint Catherine 147,152 4 Montego Bay Saint James 110,115 5 May Pen Clarendon 61,548 6 Mandeville Manchester 49...
This is followed by Manchester and Clarendon with four each. St Catherine South, Westmoreland and St. Andrew South each have three homicides. There are no reports of murder in Trelawny, St Ann, Portland, St Catherine North, St Andrew Central and Kingston Central. The statistics also show a r...
According tostatistics published by the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the nation — which has a population of about 2.8 million — had recorded 65 homicides between Jan. 1 and Jan. 27 of this year. While that represents a significant drop from the same period the previous year, when there were...
According tostatistics published by the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the nation — which has a population of about 2.8 million — had recorded 65 homicides between Jan. 1 and Jan. 27 of this year. While that represents a significant drop from the same period the previous year, when there were...