Amid huge staff shortages caused primarily by the coronavirus pandemic, many US hospitals are looking overseas for healthcare workers. The push among America’s hospitals to hire from overseas comes... black-immigrants.jpg US immigration: Black US immigrant population rising ...
Those lucky few who live near essential service places like hospitals have already received light and water and are helping those who don't such as family members and friends. In other news, the extent of the looting during and after Ivan is taking an ugly turn. Just this morning it was ...
Kingston, the capital of Jamaica (& the largest city in Jamaica), was founded on July 22 in the year 1692. Then, it was a refuge for survivors of the massive 1692 earthquake that destroyedPort Royal.Before the earthquake, Kingston was purely agricultural lands. ...
In the wider imperial context, the scandal became a defining event. The stark and graphic evidence from Kingston was viewed as an indicator of the likely state of other colonial hospitals and asylums. It had considerable ramifications for future health provision, particularly for the insane, ...
It has been a sunny, but windy day in Jamaica. Winds throughout today have been anywhere between 17-21mph. Winds of this magnitude are the norm for this time of year. Many Jamaicans welcome and see these winds as “de cool christmus breeze,” they serve as a reminder of the festive...
Doctors and other staff at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) are reportedly fuming over new parking arrangements set up by the hospitals management to curb a parking lot gridlock that was preventing easy access to the facilitys Accident and... ...
The ortanique, developed in Jamaica, is a cross between an orange and a tangerine. Jamaica also has over 220 species of native orchids, over 500 different ferns, more than 300 mosses, and many fungi. Population Last Updated: 1/26/2005 11:39 AM Jamaica's population of 2.7 million, ...
Billionaires’ wealth grew three times faster in 2024 than the year before, a top anti-poverty group reported on Monday as some of the world’s political and financial elite prepared for an annual gathering in Davos, Switzerland. Oxfam International... Comments New scanners at hospitals said...
What healthcare options are available to travelers in Jamaica who get the virus? During surges in cases, many of Jamaica’s major hospitals found themselves over capacity. In these times, healthcare services may be limited and long waits may be required. ...
The prevalence rate identified by the IPDE-S was significantly higher than the local instruments used (p < 0.000).The prevalence of personality disorder assessed by the JPDI and the IPDE-S and the consultant DSM IV-TR instruments in Jamaica is significantly higher than the prevalence rate of...