Despite all the craziness that is Jamaica, it still tops many tourists’ lists for tropical vacation getaways. That’s thanks in part to the famously hip and exclusive group of Island Outpost resorts. Island Outpost owner Chris Blackwell used to own Island Records (Bob Marley, U2, The Cranberr...
This social phenomenon, though welcomed, points to the fact that in the final analysis there are, in fact, two Jamaicas, one for Jamaicans and one for the tourists. And this has been deliberately so as major stakeholders in that sector have opted for the all-inclusive concept that enable ...
"Life-threatening flash flooding and mudslides from heavy rainfall are expected over much of Jamaica and southern Haiti through today," the NHC said in a post, adding that dangerous winds and storm surge are also expected in...
I understand that life in Jamaica is extremely dangerous for gay and lesbian people in Jamaica. This is something that is never really publicized and … Important Dates And Events In Jamaica's History I went to a local cyber cafe recently and realized that a number of students were actually...
We took the day trip to Kingston and were turned off by all the narrow, winding and dangerous roads and all the trash on the streets in Kingston. With all the tourists coming into Jamaica, you can't help but wonder what the government is doing with all that money. People are poor as...
We are heading off the rock to the chilly north tomorrow to spend time with the family. Have ordered some decent weather for the time we are there - if not, this Mumma will be heading back to the rock faster than anticipated. Best Wishes to all over this holiday season, remember the ...
locations are created equal. Some are deeper, or shallower, some have more rocks, some have potentially dangerous or poisonous marine life lurking below – you just never know. If you are a beginner, jump in at a lower-level spot, while leaving the high-level jumps for the more ...
Moreover, places considered dangerous are not those that the average Jamaican and certainly not tourists would visit. There’s no doubt that Jamaica has got a lot going for it and should always be considered a worthwhile destination. Just look at the major global tourism awards it has won ...
Smooth like rum and hot like a spicy plate of jerk, Jamaica got me hooked almost right from the start. The media might call it dangerous but the worst crime you’re likely to encounter is having your heart stolen. The calm, luscious island is blanketed in endless rainforests and coffee ...