Starting September 1, 2023, all visitors to Jamaica should fill out the newJamaica Digital Entry Form, an online passenger declaration form officially referred to as theImmigration/Customs C5 card. While there’s still an option to fill out the Immigration/Customs C5 card upon arrival, on airpor...
Mahmud Mohamrnad 'Abd Allah, "Siwan Customs," Harvard African Studies, 1 (19171, 1-28; C. Dalrymple Belgrave, Siwa: The Oasis of Jupiter Ammon, London: Lane, 1923; Walter Cline, Notes on the People of Siwah and El Garah in the Libyan Desert, Menasha, WI: George Banta Publishing, 19...
focused strategies to tackle tax crime and to achieve more effective screening at customs points a multi-agency approach to achieving efficiencies in the dissemination and processing of information relevant to the prosecution of serious crime enhanced cooperation with international partners in the US, UK...
My package was supposed to be sent to US from TW, but it got transferred to Jamaica after it was received and transferred by USPS (AMC JFKennedy), and then when I finally received my package after almost two months wait, the package has been opened by Jamaica Customs, and my passport ...