Do I need to fill out the C5 form if I’m transiting through Jamaica? Yes, it doesn’t matter if you’re visiting or just transiting at the airport, all passengers arriving in Jamaica are required to submit their details in the pre-registration system on the C5 online platform prior to...
7. Re: Jamaica C5 Form (Hotel is not listed) Apr 12, 2024, 9:52 PM Save I filled out the online form. One of our hotels would autofill on the form, three did not. I just typed them in and the form accepted them. Sorry, not much help. But it worked for me online. Rep...
This form asks for information such as where you’ll be staying in Jamaica, your length of stay and passport details. The C5 form is available online and there’s no cost associated with completing the form. If you forget to complete the form online, no worries! You can complete a ...
Starting September 1, 2023, all visitors to Jamaica should fill out the newJamaica Digital Entry Form, an online passenger declaration form officially referred to as theImmigration/Customs C5 card. While there’s still an option to fill out the Immigration/Customs C5 card upon arrival, on airpor...
The Jamaica immigration form also known as the Immigration/Customs C5 Card is a required document thatall travelers need to completebefore entering Jamaica. This form is necessary to get information about you, and your purpose for visiting Jamaica. A Jamaican immigration form does not replace a vi...