JAKARTA, March 30 (Xinhua) -- An explosion rocked a military complex near Indonesia's capital city Jakarta on Saturday evening and casualties have not been reported, an officer told local media. Spokesperson of the Indonesian Army Kristomei Sianturi said the blast occurred at 18:30 p.m. local...
Exatlocation in Kalimantan for Indonesis new capital city 2【题目】DJAKARTA-At las it isofficial Indonesia isto get a new capital Indonesian President JokoWidodo made the announcement in a speech to Parliament on Friday. The new capital will be relocated toKalimantan on the island of Bormeo,...
The results contribute to our understanding of the socioeconomic, political, and environmental impacts of relocating a capital city in an archipelagic country like Indonesia. The paper concludes that the proposed new capital's location in Kalimantan offers a more sustainable alternative with the ...
Jakarta, is the capital of Indonesia. Image © Fadil Aziz/Getty Images The relocation of a capital city is a complex urban decision with various dimensions and consequences for both the old and new capital. It can be driven bypolitical, economic, societal, and other factors, and has urban...
The "Song of Our Homeland" China-ASEAN International Media Tour 2023 experienced the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway, the first of its kind in Indonesia, on Wednesday. The 142.3-km-long high-speed line, connecting Indonesia's capital city Jakarta and the fourth-largest city Bandung, is a ...
However, the Moroccan capital city of Rabat has an avenue named after Sukarno, Indonesia's first president, to commemorate his visit in 1960 and as a token of friendship.[252] 【参考译文】雅加达与其他城市签订了友好城市协议,其中包括卡萨布兰卡。为了促进两市之间的友谊,雅加达一条以购物和商业中心...
BEIJING, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- The Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway, which links Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, and Bandung, a famous tourist city, officially opened on Monday. As a landmark project of the Belt and Road Initiative and cooperation between China and Indonesia, it shortens...
Sukarno also built many nationalistic monuments and statues in the capital city.[71]【参考译文】雅加达的大多数地标、纪念碑和雕像都是在 20 世纪 60 年代苏加诺时代开始建造的,然后在苏哈托时代完工,而有些则可以追溯到殖民时期。尽管许多项目都是在他担任总统之后完成的,但建筑师出身的苏加诺因规划雅加达的...
The city, now renamed Jakarta, was officially proclaimed the national capital of Indonesia. 【参考译文】1942年3月5日,日军从荷兰手中夺取了巴达维亚,城市被命名为雅加达(Jakarta特别市,ジャカルタ特別市, Jakaruta tokubetsu-shi),赋予了该城市特殊的地位。战后,直到1949年12月27日印尼完全独立,巴达维亚的...
A jungle-covered area on the east of Borneo island is set to be transformed into Indonesia’s new capital city, the country’s President Joko Widodo has announced.