Most jailbreaks include a Safe Mode which disables all your tweaks in the case of incompatibility so that you can safely remove them, and you can often “un-jailbreak” too on newer jailbreaks. As a final resort, remember: you’re always able to restore your device’s firmware back to ...
cache. This is tested and working, but that doesn't mean it's safe to mess around with dyld cache - some changes will result in a permanent white apple on boot. This is true for any file whose integrity is checked on boot! Even if a file is not generally required to boot the iOS...
SafeShutdownis a tweak designed to help avoid situations where the device battery runs out and you have to jailbreak again. It does this by initiating a “fake shutdown” when your battery reaches a set percentage. When the device is plugged in and charged to the set restart percentage, i...
Misaki v2.0.1 released:Add option to hide Low Power alert, add option to remove Wi-Fi RSSI, add Dock color and cool dock options, add option to replace Status Bar time with carrier text on notched devices, fix safe mode when using NiceBarX, and more… ($1.49 via Chariz repository —r...
s "apt1.4" 2>/dev/null | grep -i ^Status: | grep -q "install ok installed"" [*] runCommandv(285) completed with exit status 0 [*] Deb: "apt1.4" is installed [*] runCommandv(289) command: /usr/bin/apt-get "-o" "Dir::Etc::sourcelist=undecimus/undecimus.list" "-o" "Dir...
(void); // Yes, WITH SparkZheng's fix - for the astute :-) int reSpring (void); // @FCE365 - this is for you pid_t execCommand(char *Cmd, char *Arg1, char *Arg2, char *Arg3, char *Arg4, char *Arg5 , int Flags); int execCommandAndWait(char *Cmd, char *Arg1, char *...
layoutSubviews { %orig; CGRect _frame = self.frame; if (_frame.size.height == 49) { _frame.size.height = 70; _frame.origin.y = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height - 70; } self.frame = _frame; } %end %hook UIApplicationSceneSettings - (UIEdgeInsets)safeAreaInsets...
Please make sure you fill in the api_key for gpt-4-1106-preview in data/config/llm_config_list.json before running the following command. The GPT-4 evaluation is very costly. We have enabled the cache mechanism to avoid repeated evaluation. For safe response evaluation, there is an ...
cache. This is tested and working, but that doesn't mean it's safe to mess around with dyld cache - some changes will result in a permanent white apple on boot. This is true for any file whose integrity is checked on boot! Even if a file is not generally required to boot the iOS...
layoutSubviews { %orig; CGRect _frame = self.frame; if (_frame.size.height == 49) { _frame.size.height = 70; _frame.origin.y = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height - 70; } self.frame = _frame; } %end %hook UIApplicationSceneSettings - (UIEdgeInsets)safeAreaInsets...