【In-The-Wild Jailbreak Prompts on LLMs 数据集:评估大型语言模型在实际场景对抗破解/越狱提示的能力,包含从Reddit、Discord、网站和开源数据集收集的15,140个ChatGPT提示(包括1,405个破解提示)】'jailbreak_llms - The First Measurement Study on Jailbreak Prompts in the Wild' GitHub: github.com/verazuo/...
“I love how people are gaslighting an AI,” another usernamed Kyledude95 wrote. The purpose of the DAN jailbreaks, the original Reddit poster wrote, was to allow ChatGPT to access a side that is “more unhinged and far less likely to reject prompts over “eThICaL cOnCeRnS”.” OpenAI d...
This one doesn't always work, but sometimes ChatGPT responds well to prompts when you ask it to roleplay as another person. From what I can gather, ChatGPT's restrictions on what it can and can't do are in its "personality" of sorts, and in there, it wishes to be as helpful to ...
在有意识场景中,输入多语言prompts,ChatGPT、GPT-4的不安全输出概率高至80.92%、40.71%。 提出了一种自我防御框架SELF-DEFENSE,可以对ChatGPT进行微调,大幅减少不安全内容的生成。 Fine-tuning Aligned Language Models Compromises Safety, Even When Users Do Not Intend To! 作者列表:Xiangyu Qi at el 论文链接:...
https://chat.openai.com/ ChatGPT "DAN" (and other "Jailbreaks") PROMPTS Some of these work better (or at least differently) than others. They all exploit the "role play" training model. DAN (Do Anything Now) The DAN 13.0 Prompt (Available on GPT-4) ...
Computer scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have managed to compromise multiple artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, including ChatGPT, Google Bard and Microsoft Bing Chat, to produce content that breaches their developers' guidelines—an outcome known as "jailb...
ChatGPT is a societally impactful artificial intelligence tool with millions of users and integration into products such as Bing. However, the emergence of jailbreak attacks notably threatens its responsible and secure use. Jailbreak attacks use adversarial prompts to bypass ChatGPT's ethics safeguards...
Oxtia ChatGPT Jailbreak Online Tool “ The World's First and Only Tool to Jailbreak ChatGPT ” jailbreakpromptschatgptchatgpt-apichatgpt-botchatgptpromptschatgptjailbreak UpdatedJun 7, 2024 Oxtia vs. ChatGPT Jailbreak Prompts: A Comprehensive Comparison ...
There are no prompts when jailbreaking ChatGPT using the "Oxtia tool". Online, it removes ChatGPT limits in 2–3 seconds. The Oxtia online tool is harmless and only for fun. Before Oxtia emerged, many people had problems finding the best query when removing ChatGPT restrictions. However,...
构建方式:将 ChatGPT 放在“do anything now”模式下,并要求他们建议对十种不同类别的prompts进行反驳。然后,我们要求它为这些类别中的每一个生成 20 个responses,人工审查这些responses确保与各自的类别对齐并表现出多样性。 2. Models. 使用了11个模型进行测试: ...