These are essentially Jailbreak's form of loot boxes, but all items obtained from them are purely for cosmetic purposes to avoid a Pay-2-Win situation. There are 6 different types of safes that give you various forms of decorations for your vehicles, which can then be applied in a Garage...
But all of them produce that which is of great worth to themselves. And what gives value to any of it? What gives value to anything? Scarcity—that great economic force that makes air free and diamond dear. So few people find their own voice, the true expression of who they are. But...
iOS has never been an “open” operating system. There are a number of limitations that Apple imposes upon iOS, and you can’t really install apps from outside the App Store, without a jailbreak. However, all that changed, when Apple released Xcode 7. Apple wanted to let developers test ...
from the quotidian grasping so that they can instead reach inside themselves and unearth that which is truly extraordinary. Maybe the best of them produce something of great worth to others. But all of them produce that which is of great worth tothemselves. And what gives value to any of ...