Three friends Karnan (G V Prakash Kumar) a thief, Kalai (Pasanga Paandi) an ex-convict and Rocky (Nandhan Ram) a drug peddler are childhood friends who live in the government housing board complex in Thuraipakkam, Chennai. The police and the public alway
Which country has the best movie industry in Africa? TheNigerianfilm industry is the largest in Africa in terms of value, number of annual films, revenue and popularity. It is also the second largest film producer in the world. In 2016 Nigeria's film industry contributed 2.3% towards its gr...
little over 12 days. Authorities said that he claimed the money for the movie came from his wife's family in Egypt . Using the false name Sam Basile, Nakoula had told reporters earlier this week that he was an 'Israeli Jew,' that the film had cost about 5,000,000 dollars, and that ...