The Indian actor Priyanka Chopra has been accused of “encouraging nuclear war with Pakistan” in a February tweet in which she wrote “Jai Hind”, meaning “victory to India”. From The Guardian The woman referred to a Feb. 26 tweet in which Chopra wrote, “Jai Hind,” which means “Vi...
Define Jai Lai. Jai Lai synonyms, Jai Lai pronunciation, Jai Lai translation, English dictionary definition of Jai Lai. n. A court game in which players use a long hand-shaped basket strapped to the wrist to propel a ball against a wall. American Heritag
Define jai alai. jai alai synonyms, jai alai pronunciation, jai alai translation, English dictionary definition of jai alai. n. A court game in which players use a long hand-shaped basket strapped to the wrist to propel a ball against a wall. American He