The Jaguar officially has announced the next model. It will be nothing less than the F-Type. According to the manufacturer the model will be the first Jaguar prepared by the SVR and will reach over 320km/h. The most powerful version of the sports available so far is the R AWD with 5.0...
The F-type R/SVR boasts an exterior design that's as tailored as a tuxedo, but don't be fooled. Underneath it all, this talented Brit places its emphasis on raw power.
全新JAGUAR F-TYPE SVR於2016日內瓦車展正式發表,為JAGUAR全車系中首轮由SVO (Special Vehicle Operation) 特殊车轮部門所打造的量产車款,更是F-TYPE車系性能最強的成員。動力方面也特別調校過,搭載一具566hp 5.0L V8双转子机械增压引擎,扭力更調升至71.4kgm,並搭配8速手自排变速箱以及AWD全時四轮驱动系統,0?100...
F-Type SVR,前置5公升V8超級增壓引擎,575匹,0至100km/h加速3.7秒,出奇地非後輪驅動,而係配四驅,兩個座位,1720kg。 坦白講,揸咗F-Type SVR一陣,我覺得佢偏重,如果以一部中大型GT嚟講,咁係合理,但F-Type SVR嘅外形偏偏又幾討好,望落瀟灑之中又有少少玩世不恭同輕挑,重量理應唔會多過1550kg。 或者咁...
在线看Geneva Motor Show 2016 Jaguar F-type SVR 24秒。2016 5月 5的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 19 — 已浏览。
Jaguar F-TypeSVR 捷豹有一个特殊车辆运营团队,简称为SVO,全称为Special Vehicle Operations。这支团队精心打造了F-TYPE SVR车型。SVR代表了捷豹路虎的最强赛道版本,与宝马M和奔驰AMG相类似。这台F-TYPE的SVR版本,可以说是为了与911一决高下而诞生的,其性能相当于911中的Turbo车型。
Jaguar F-Type SVR Convertible review: 195mph, AWD cabrio tested 27 Sep 2016 First Look This is Jaguar’s I-type Formula E racer 08 Sep 2016 First Drive Jaguar XE all-wheel drive review: baby Jag driven in the UK 05 Sep 2016
Jaguar F-Type SVR: Jaguar's giddy fantasy F-Type for the jetset crowd JAGUAR Land Rover's factory-owned SVO division is GEORG,KACHER - 《Motor the Power the Prestige the Passion》 被引量: 0发表: 2016年 JAGUAR F-TYPE SVR 红玫瑰or白玫瑰 "红玫瑰Or白玫瑰?这是张爱玲提出的世纪难题,男人穷...