When I postedtraditional rice varieties of tamilnaduback in January 2017, I knew very little about these exclusive varieties. Used extensively in Chettinadu households and being part of their ceremonies, these rice varieties are less popular or even unknown in other parts of Tamilnadu. Apart from ...
Substitute the jaggery (made from sugar cane) with palm jaggery (made from palm). Palm jaggery is the same as jaggery, in the shape of a small-hard ball. Dissolve in water, strain for impurities and use as in recipe. Deep fry or use paniyaara chatti as preferred. IV. Using powdered ...
I have used butter here butyou can use ghee also. Just substitute equal amount of ghee in the recipe and follow the same steps. These Oats Jaggery Cookies arefree of refined sugar as they are sweetened with jaggery(unrefined sugar obtained from raw, concentrated sugarcane juice). ...
Substitute for JaggeryIf you want to make these cookies and can’t get hold of jaggery, use brown sugar in place. It should work. Even coconut sugar should be okay.Again, these are not some super healthy cookies. But these are better than the store bought ones. They have simple ...