APLIKASI MOBILE JADWAL DAN INFORMASI KERETA API INDONESIA MENGGUNAKAN APP INVENTOR BERBASIS SISTEM OPERASI ANDROID 来自 repository.amikom.ac.id 喜欢 0 阅读量: 64 作者:EP Wicaksana,Kusrini 摘要: The development of mobile application dynamically increasing for the type, segmentation and purpose. The ...
The model is examined using a hypothetical instance for four disturbance cases. Numerical experiments show that the model can represent the problem under studydoi:10.9744/jti.17.2.97-104Suprayogi SuprayogiHery RamdhaniJurnal Teknik Industri
- informasi berita terbaru seputar dunia transportasi kereta api- navigasi simple dan mudah- dilengkapi inapp purchase untuk menghilangkan iklan 快速,方便地获取火车时刻表。申请获得预定的列车出发和进入印尼的方式,是快速和容易的智能手机上的目标,最新的更新。该应用程序会自动从我们的服务器的内容。从各种...
WEB SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION FOR TRAIN TICKET SCHEDULE WITH CLIENT APPLICATIONS USING J2ME (Case Studies At Railway Station Yogyakarta) HAIRUDDIN 08/275391/PPA/02662 Information system that the train schedule in the PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (PT. KAI) have been implementing web service technology, so ...