Pour plus d'informations, voir www.xbox.com/xboxoriginals. Maîtrisez les styles de combat les plus puissants et venez à bout des ennemis les plus redoutables pour mériter le titre de maître des arts martiaux dans le monde de Jade Empire. Cet article n'est pas remboursable. Pour plus...
MICROSOFT会社于“东京游戏展2003”中正式发表Xbox用动作RPG新作《JADE EMPIRE~翡翠之帝国~》,游戏由Bioware会社开发,以神秘的古中国为游戏舞台,主角可通过激烈的战斗来习得30种以上的招数,每种招数分为7个阶段的成长过程,玩家可通过自己选择的行动来决定主角的善与恶的成长方向,游戏预定于2004年发卖,Bioware表示这...
GAME-PLAY ALERT: You must have an Xbox 360 hard drive in order to play this title. Support for content downloads for this game will be discontinued on April 15, 2010. This game has been fully tested to successfully play on your Xbox 360 console. However,
微软宣布由Bioware制作的Xbox动作RPG游戏《翡翠帝国(Jade Empire)》已经移植PC平台。《翡翠帝国》是一款...
Xbox360《翡翠帝国 Jade Empire》中文版GOD下载。这款游戏东方背景的动作角色扮演游戏,在风格上加入了武侠,奇幻等元素,喜欢的玩家不要错过。 游戏中玩家可选择 7 名各具特色的游戏角色,也可以依照自己的喜好自创新角色,学习自古流传的武术,透过不断的苦修来朝向武术大师之路迈进。游戏中有着各种流派的招式,包括武术派...
Jade Empire - Reviews Critic Reviews 1upRead ReviewA-15th Aug 2009 CheatCodeCentralRead Review5 out of 515th Aug 2009 EdgePrint Magazine7 out of 1015th Aug 2009 EurogamerRead Review8 out of 1015th Aug 2009 Game InformerRead Review9.5 out of 1015th Aug 2009 ...
Xbox One Adds 19 New Original Xbox Backwards Compatible Games This Month Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jade Empire, Morrowind and many more original Xbox games will soon be playable on Xbox One. Jade Empire: Special Edition Official Movie 1 Check out Jade Empire: Special Edition for the PC. ...
Jade Empire™ 发布于 2005/4/14 (US) 描述 GAME-PLAY ALERT: You must have an Xbox 360 hard drive in order to play this title. Support for content downloads for this game will be discontinued on April 15, 2010. This game has been fully tested to successfully play on your Xbox 360 ...
Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Mas detalles en www.xbox.com/xboxoriginals. Sólo siendo capaz de dominar los más increíbles estilos de lucha y derrotando a los más poderosos enemigos conseguirás asegurarte un lugar como maestro de artes marciales en el mundo de Jade Empire. No hay reembolsos para este artículo. Para...