I can say without the slightest bit of exaggeration, that this is the largest mod for Jade Empire out there. In fact: It is many times larger than all other mods combined and that is not just because it *contains* so many other mods. The last time I checked the codebase totaled to ...
Jade Empire Big Gay Romance Fix A mod to allow the kissing scene from same sex couples to play in its entirety. Companions By DarthSieger 11KB 861 15.1k Tk 102 Save game editor Rescue of save game editor by tk 102 Utilities By Zkioussis ...
This video showcases the all new focus mode. Whenever you enter focus mode, all your current and queued actions are cancelled. That allows you to bypass the action queue and take full control of your character. Read the accompanying article for details..
Presenting Ascension, a new game style which Corpus forces launch a major attack on the Stalker’s fortress. Your objective is start an emergency evacuation and climb elevator shafts covered in enemies to get to the Extraction point. Playing Ascension will provide you Motes to trade for parts a...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:ea-app-technical-issues-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:7501724"},"subject":"Re: Jade Empire Special Edition does not launch in EA Desktop","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:mode...
Product: The EA appPlatform:PCError Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) 9cdee209-34dc-4b01-9bd1-fe042f94879eWhich client... - 7585279