睡前儿歌 | Jacob's Ladder 雅各布的梯子 儿歌时间到,今天为小朋友们准备的歌曲是Jacob's Ladder(雅哥布的梯子)。 雅各布做了一个梦,梦到了真主站在梯子上。真主对他说:“我也与你同在,你无论往哪里去,我必保佑你,领你归回这土地,总不离弃你,直到我...
Bible > Topical > Jacob's Ladder◄ Jacob's Ladder ► Jump to: Subtopics • Terms Topical EncyclopediaBiblical Reference: Jacob's Ladder is primarily referenced in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 28:10-22. This passage describes a significant event in the life of Jacob, the...
Jacob's ladder n 1.(Bible)Old Testamentthe ladder reaching up to heaven that Jacob saw in a dream (Genesis 28:12–17) 2.(Nautical Terms) Also called:jack laddera ladder made of wooden or metal steps supported by ropes or chains
22and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.” Articles about Jacob's Ladder - Bible Story How Wrestling with God Will Change You ForeverDena Johnson Martin ...
Bible Corruption The Pure Living Word Cannot Be Given To A Defiled People: Modern day Christian doctrine rests upon the premise that God preserved the Bible in an absolute infallible and pure state, in order that all men should know the (historical) truth and believe in the Son of God. ...
To Climb This Ladder You Must Reach Higher And Let Go Of Every Rung Beneath You. Please Subscribe Today Subscribe to JACOB'S LADDER MORE ESSAYS! Select Category“A Warning”“BE” ATTITUDE“Cut it Out”“Genesis of You”“Let Thine Eye Be Single”“The Meaning of Life”A WARNING IGNOREDAn...
The same is true with ALL the other bringing of progeny throughout the TaNaKH (Holy Bible – Torah, Neviim {Prophets}, Ketuvim {King Solomon’s writings etc}. Not one lesbian pumping donated semen into another with a roasting baster. Nor can there be progeny from 2 males. This abomination...
Since September 11thI have been spontaneously writing a running commentary on the historical events of our times. Being trained in Torah study my entire life, I naturally gravitate to the Bible and its commentaries to make sense of this chaos and uncertainty. ...
The complex known as “Jacob’s dream” is an open public area on the north side of the modern community of Beit el. Trails and signs guide the visitors through the major points of interest. Jacob’s ladder – Bible-Pictures (W.A.Foster, 1897) ...
IMDb5.4 简介 It is a Christian series that tells Bible stories. It starts with Gideon and ends with King David. It is all about this group of kids that get flashed into the story and learn all about God's people and what God did through them....